On 11/25/2013 12:50 PM, Alexandre Ellert wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an issue with a sieve_before rule (the script move incoming email to 
> Junk folder when DMARC=fail and policy is quarantine) because one of my user 
> delete his Junk folder :
> dovecot: lda(myu...@domain.com): Error: sieve: execution of script 
> /etc/dovecot/sieve_before/01-dmarc-fail.sieve failed, but implicit keep was 
> successful: 1 Time(s)
> dovecot: lda(myu...@domain.com): Error: sieve: 
> msgid=<20131124212217.5f346580...@anotherdomain.com>: failed to store into 
> mailbox 'Junk': Mailbox doesn't exist: Junk: 1 Time(s)
> How can I do to prohibit the deletion of Junk folder by end users ?
> Tell me if you need 'dovecot -n' and thanks for your advices.
> Alexandre.

Can't you make sieve re-create the folder when it's missing?  Simply set
lda_mailbox_autocreate=yes if you use dovecot lDA, and/or use 'fileinto
:create "Junk";' in the sieve script.


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