On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 02:47:33PM +0100, Frerich Raabe wrote:
> Interesting! What zlib compression level did you use? I figure even low
> levels would work rather well for plain text.

        plugin {
                zlib_save_level = 6 # 1..9
                zlib_save = gz # or bz2

> Now that I think about "plain text": I also have the fts_solr plugin
> enabled to speed up the occasional full-text search - does the indexing
> still work as before when the mail is compressed, i.e. is the
> reading of the mail centralized so that the individual plugins don't
> actually know or care? Or would I need to make sure I use
> 'zlib-aware' plugins?

I don't have fts (yet).


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