Am 10.12.2013 12:42, schrieb IT geek 31:
> I've just hastily migrated from Dovecot 1.2.9 to 2.2.9 due to a disk crash.
> When I say hastily, I literally copied the user's mail data files to the
> new server and then started the Dovecot service.
> The trouble is, I now have a user who can see all the subfolders of her
> inbox in Outlook, but not on her iPad.

i am not familar with apple but
i had simular reports about imap bugs with IOS 7.03 perhaps upgrade IOS
7.04 , this was on iphone

however it might be something with your dove setup

> Do I need to re-index her mail folders?  The data is there (as seen by
> Outlook 2013) and is good, but the iPad mail client only sees the top-level
> folder.
> Any thoughts?
> -Mark

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

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