On 2014-01-12 9:13 AM, mozek007 <mozek...@seznam.cz> wrote:
tail -f/var/log/*

<code style='overflow:scroll'>==> sieve.log <==<br>
Jan 10 20:44:14 lda(t...@test.cz<a target='_blank' 
href='mailto:t...@vinotekaolvi.cz'></a>): Error: 
net_connect_unix(/var/run/<wbr>dovecot/dict) failed: Permission denied (euid=2000(vmail) 
egid=2000(vmail) missing +r perm: /var/run/dovecot/dict, dir owned by 0:0 mode=0755)<br>

Jan 10 20:44:14 lda(t...@test.cz<a target='_blank' href='mailto:t...@vinotekaolvi.cz'></a>): Error: Internal quota 
calculation error<br>Jan 10 20:44:14 lda(t...@test.cz): Info: msgid=<<a target='_blank' 
href='mailto:1qg.7wxz.46pkivcqwgrs.1iq4r...@seznam.cz'>1Qg.7WxZ.sdfs.<wbr>1Iq4r{@seznam.cz</a>>: save failed 
to INBOX: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information. [2014-01-10 20:44:14]</code>

Please try again without all the HTML pollution garbage...


Best regards,


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