
It would be nice if the recipient_delimiter configuration option supported multiple recipient delimiters as Postfix now does. e.g. now if I set: recipient_delimiter = +- in Postfix, then test-extens...@sample.com and test+extens...@sample.com are both recognized. But if I set: recipient_delimiter = +- in Dovecot, neither of the above are recognized and instead test+-extens...@sample.com is valid.

Well, presently this feature isn't that important to me, but I imagine it could be a source of confusion for people who are migrating from say qmail to postfix (as I am doing) and notice Postfix's cool ability to support both types of delimiters and assume Dovecot will as well (as I did).

Andrew Ray


Andrew Ray
+1 404-418-5443
+421 (0) 917 832 253

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