On 08/09/2014 11:30 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I'm running postfix + dovecot on my CentOS-7 home server.
> When I send myself a message I get this error message in /var/log/maillog:
>   Aug  9 12:59:57 alfred postfix/lmtp[31336]: B0D02220748:
>     to=<t...@localhost.gayleard.eu>, orig_to=<tim@localhost>,
>     relay=alfred.gayleard.eu[private/dovecot-lmtp],
>     delay=475, delays=474/0.03/0.02/0.09, dsn=4.3.0,
>     status=deferred (host alfred.gayleard.eu[private/dovecot-lmtp] said:
>     451 4.3.0 <t...@localhost.gayleard.eu> Internal error occurred.
>     Refer to server log for more information. (in reply to RCPT TO command))
> and in /var/log/dovecot I read
>   Aug 09 13:13:03 auth-worker(31472):
>     Error: passwd(t...@localhost.gayleard.eu): getpwnam() failed:
>     Address family not supported by protocol
>   Aug 09 13:13:03 lmtp(31470): Error: user t...@localhost.gayleard.eu: Auth 
> USER lookup failed
> It seems that USER is set to t...@localhost.gayleard.eu rather than tim .
> I am including the line
>   mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp
> in /etc/postfix/main.cf .

your (missing) `doveconf -n` doesn't contain auth_username_format = %Ln.
So, edit your conf.d/10-auth.conf and set auth_username_format to %Ln.

The trapper recommends today: cafefeed.1422...@localdomain.org

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