On 09/12/2014 06:33 AM, Edwardo Garcia wrote:
>> Depending on your news feed that will get huge over time, and if you
>> try get a back feed of existing posts, thats even crazier, my upstream
>> feeds me over FORTY THOUSAND text newsgroups. thats unrealistic to
> How much of these group are active? Or how many post a day on average you get?

  I realize you weren't asking me, but just to give you another data
point, my server receives about 23,000 articles per day.  This is nearly
all groups minus the binaries.

>> feed into imap, just advertise your news server, or if you dont have
>> one, set up inn on a spare machine, hell for a couple thousand users,
> We looked at inn, it is, to be blunt, a diabolical mess , the access
> file is nightmare, it no limit user concurrency or daily limit by
> default without write external code, if inn is typical, is no wonder
> usenet is not as popular this days.

  With respect, this a load of crap.  I was a commercial INN admin for
many years, and I run it on my own network to this day.  It's a fine
piece of software, does its job very well, is easy to manage, and
generally gives no guff.

  (Of course this is coming from the perspective of someone who ran
C-news, and before that, B-news.  B was mostly shell scripts!)

  Just try not to look at it as a mail server, because it isn't, and
you'll be fine with INN.

  And for the record, Usenet is "not as popular these days" because most
of the current inhabitants of the Internet are drooling morons who think
the Internet and the WWW are the same thing, and that it's all one big
TV.  They'd never understand the concepts of Usenet in the first place.


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ/3
New Kensington, PA

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