Am 10.10.2014 um 09:53 schrieb Andre Rodier:
> On 09/10/14 23:06, Timo Sirainen wrote:
>> On 09 Oct 2014, at 15:20, C Peters <> wrote:
>>> The Dovecot wiki [1] doesn't list either Exim, Postfix or anything
>>> else as supporting the dbox.  I did some searching in the Exim
>>> archives and have found only one message mentioning dbox, sdbox or
>>> mdbox. [2]  I think an RFC would go a long way towards getting the
>>> format supported.  Has Timo, or anyone else, considered submitting an
>>> RFC to the IETF?
>> No, and I don't want it to happen anytime in near future. The dbox
>> format is highly Dovecot-specific, because it relies on Dovecot's
>> index files. These index files are still changing and I'm not sure if
>> they will ever be fully finished. I don't want any other software to
>> even attempt to implement the same functionality.
>>> My question was how are we going to use it if Exim doesn't support it.
>> As others said, use LMTP or dovecot-lda with Sieve filtering.
> Hi,
> I am sorry if I am presumptuous or out of topic, but it seems to me that
> the mail storage should be standardised.

Not really, its good to have many options

> I am still using Maildir myself, simply because I like the simplicity,
> one file is one email, one directory is one email folder, for backup or
> restore.
> The only thing I don't like is the naming convention, but I don't know
> if a file system exists today to store such information in label or tags
> associated to each file.
> Regarding the optimisation, I think it's the file system's role, albeit
> I appreciate Dovecot's efforts to optimise the storage by taking in
> consideration file system's specificities.
> A feature I would like, is dovecot being able to store emails in
> databases, SQL or NoSQL. I would use this for archiving and queries
> purposes. MariaDB / Drizzle, or MongoDB, CouchDB, etc. There is plenty
> of choice.

agreed, its good to have more options

> Maybe this storage scheme would be slower, but IMHO, this is not a
> problem when people just want to archive their emails on a remote computer.

why not using bcc stuff with i.e postfix

perhaps see

sorry german

> Maybe I could start this if I had some template or example to start.
> Kind regards,
> André.

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

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