On 10 Oct 2014, at 11:05, Peter Mogensen <a...@one.com> wrote:

> It seems we are still able to reproduce this:
> http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2014-May/096367.html
> However... there's no longer any error-messages. It just silently changes 
> permissions on some dovecot files in the source maildir. (most often 
> dovecot-uidlist)
> We're running dsync as root, with hardwired userdb values for other reasons. 
> So it has the OS permissions to change source. But still, running in "backup" 
> shouldn't change source ever, should it?

It's not doing any changes to mailbox contents, but it's still updating the 
index/uidlist files as part of its normal operation.

> The command line is of this format - running on destination-host:
> # dsync -R -o mail_home=/users/user/maildir backup ssh -c arcfour -o 
> StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/.ssh/id-rsa-dsync source-host "dsync -o 
> mail_home=/users/user/maildir"

You should use -u user@domain parameter in both sides so it drops root 

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