I was following this in hope someone would answer.

As a workaround I recommend to set up a POP3 connection with a low polling interval (besides using a TCP Proxy...).


Am 07.02.2015 um 07:15 schrieb Joseph Tam:

I have a problem with a user who uses a wireless carrier that keeps
changing his IP as he travels throughout the city.  From the perspective
of our dovecot IMAP server, the user keeps logging in from another IP,
and after a short while, hits up against the mail_max_userip_connections
limit.  It takes 30 minutes before those orphaned connections times out.

Is there any way to decrease the IMAP idle timeout other than to
recompile dovecot with a new value?

     imap-common.h:#define CLIENT_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MSECS (60*30*1000)

For example, will this work?

     service imap {
         idle_kill = 600

Joseph Tam <jtam.h...@gmail.com>

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