> Am 01.03.2015 um 10:25 schrieb Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net>:
> Am 01.03.2015 um 08:53 schrieb Jim Pazarena:
>> I wonder if there is an easy way to provide dovecot a flat text file of
>> ipv4 #'s which should be ignored or dropped?
>> I have accumulated 45,000+ IPs which routinely try dictionary and
>> 12345678 password attempts. The file is too big to create firewall
>> drops, and I don't want to compile with wrappers *if* dovecot has an
>> easy ability to do this. If dovecot could parse a flat text file of IPs
>> and drop connections it would sure put a dent in these attempts.
> hence i asked month ago for RBL support because such lists are easy to feed 
> into http://www.corpit.ru/mjt/rbldnsd.html - sadly i got no reply than use 
> fail2ban and what not irrelevant if there is already a local dnsbl

I absolutely agree with Harald Reindl's findings on the advantages of DNSBL, 
but you have to see the big picture. Though I’ll speak about DNSBL a lot in 
this text, this is about blocking IPs in general.

In my opinion, the *only* valid setup to use DNSBL are MTAs that accept mail 
from unauthenticated clients. That is because in such scenarios there are 
several heuristics you can safely use to distinguish the good from the bad. One 
of the most important aspects has to do with the distinction between mail 
submission and transmission. If you don’t want an open relay, you normally let 
your users authenticate before they can submit their mail.

In any other case it’s safe to assume that the client is another MTA wanting to 
push a message over to you. We are talking about server systems here, not end 
users. Servers that should have a valid hostname, a static IP with no NAT in 
between etc. Blocking one IP in this case *should* really only block that one 
bad computer system. In the end, it’s perfectly OK to block clients that are 
either not authenticated, have no valid hostname, use dynamically assigned IPs 
etc. from accessing your MTA. Once having checked that one may put single IPs 
on a private block list to speed things up.

In the case of HTTP, IMAP, etc. things are not so easy. Just think about NAT 
and CGN. You as a service provider *can* never know that there’s no collateral 
damage when you block an IP address. Every single IP out there could be a 
gateway to a private or even carrier grade network with hundreds or thousands 
of computers behind it. Some of them might be infected by malware or controlled 
by a bad guy. Some others might be those your clients use to download their 
mail. You’d lock them all out—just because you want to safe some server 
resources? Is it really worth it?

Imagine one of your customers traveling abroad, using unusual POPs to access 
your dovecot instance. If the gateway IP that your server sees is blocked, you 
lock out your own customer. It’s the old tale.

Some words of advice:

(1) There’s no point in listing thousands of IPs without proper TTL. And that 
TTL should be short! If there really were 45 000 single /32 IPs that were 
behaving rude at some point in the past, how can you be sure these addresses 
are still doing so? Moreover, with IPv4 addresses being rare and IPv6 only 
being deployed slowly, CGN happens to be used more often than in the past. Even 
with IPv6, where prefixes were initially meant to be static, there are many 
ISPs that don’t give their line customers static IPv6 prefixes. That means 
attackers as well as your customers might end up using many different addresses 
over time.

(2) If you run your own block list and were to add another IP, there should be 
sufficient knowledge about the origin of the attack. Always check the RIR whois 
databases, look at the delegated address range the IP is in, the country, the 
owner of the network, hostnames... Monitor your log files and try to detect 
patterns. [Honestly, I’d not be willing to invest the time ;-) ]

(3) Use a scoring system. If there are other DNSBLs that list the IP or network 
in question, the likelihood of causing more harm than good is a bit lower than 
if you are the only one suffering an attack. Community based DNSBLs are 
commonly a good thing.

You see, blocking IPs just because it’s simple and effective (for the moment) 
might not be what you want. I’d rather let my users choose stronger passwords, 
strongly enforce TLS and scale up my server systems to handle the bad traffic. 
Surely, it depends on your own case, just don’t be naïve and think that 
blocking IPs is a general solution to anything nowadays. It might very well 
work for you if you don’t have a lot of customers, though.

Speaking about dovecot, I doubt direct DNSBL integration will happen upstream 
because dovecot already supports access lookups. You can use dovecot's tcpwrap 
and configure your /etc/hosts.deny to lookup an external ACL program that in 
turn consults your DNSBL. See man hosts_options, section RUNNING OTHER 
COMMANDS. Look for »aclexec«.[1] I guess that should get you on track. Just be 
warned that this solution (a) spawns a new tcpwrap instance for each new client 
connection, and (b) also spawns a new process of your custom acl program.


[1] http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/quantal/man5/hosts_options.5.html

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