* Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> 2015.05.09 19:41:

>       + lda, lmtp: deliver_log_format can now include %{delivery_time},
>         which expands to how many milliseconds it took to deliver the mail.
>         With LMTP %{session_time} also expands to how many milliseconds the
>         LMTP session took, not including the delivery time.

This could use some nicer defaults similar to Postfix logging e.g.

deliver_log_format = msgid=%m, time=%{delivery_time}ms, status=%$

May 11 18:25:29 nihlus dovecot: lmtp(t...@leuxner.net): CupIHNrXUFXUTAAAgUOSbA: 
sieve: msgid=<5550d7cb.70...@comstyle.com>, time=133ms, status=stored mail into 
mailbox 'Public/Mailing-Lists/Dovecot'

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