OK, gurus, I've spent the last 2 days crawling through all of the posts and web postings regarding shared folders, and I simply cannot get it to work. I'm sure that there is something simple that I've overlooked, but cannot for the life of me see it :)

Here's my current config:

       # 2.2.9: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
       # OS: Linux 3.16.0-46-generic x86_64 Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS xfs
       auth_mechanisms = plain login
       debug_log_path = /var/log/debug.log
       listen = *
       mail_gid = mail
       mail_location =
       mail_plugins = acl notify mail_log stats
       mail_privileged_group = mail
       namespace {
          list = children
          location =
          prefix = Shared/%%n/
          separator = /
          subscriptions = no
          type = shared
       namespace inbox {
          inbox = yes
          location =
          mailbox Drafts {
            special_use = \Drafts
          mailbox Junk {
            special_use = \Junk
          mailbox Sent {
            special_use = \Sent
          mailbox "Sent Messages" {
            special_use = \Sent
          mailbox Trash {
            special_use = \Trash
          prefix =
          separator = /
          type = private
       passdb {
          args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext
          driver = ldap
       plugin {
          acl = vfile
          acl_shared_dict = file:/mail/dict/shared-mailboxes
          autocreate = Trash
          autocreate2 = Spam
          autocreate3 = Drafts
          autocreate4 = Junk
          autosubscribe = Trash
          autosubscribe2 = Spam
          autosubscribe3 = Drafts
          autosubscribe4 = Junk
          mail_log_events = delete undelete expunge copy mailbox_delete
       mailbox_rename flag_change append
          mail_log_fields = uid box msgid size subject
          stats_refresh = 30 secs
          stats_track_cmds = yes
       protocols = " imap lmtp"
       service auth {
          unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
            user = postfix
       service dict {
          unix_listener dict {
            group = mail
            mode = 0600
            user = root
       service imap-login {
          process_min_avail = 5
          service_count = 0
       service imap {
          process_limit = 4096
       service lmtp {
          unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/dovecot-lmtp {
            group = postfix
            mode = 0600
            user = postfix
       service stats {
          fifo_listener stats-mail {
            group = mail
            mode = 0660
            user = root
       ssl_ca = </etc/dovecot/thawte2.crt
       ssl_cert = </etc/dovecot/dovecot2.pem
       ssl_key = </etc/dovecot/private/solaray-sunglasses.com.key
       userdb {
          args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext
          driver = ldap
       protocol lmtp {
          postmaster_address = postmas...@solaray-sunglasses.com
       protocol imap {
          mail_plugins = acl notify mail_log stats imap_acl imap_stats

All of our users are "real" (no virtual users or domains) and only a single domain supported. We have a user, rself, that is attempting to share his inbox with a few others that also need access to it. So the corresponding ACL files:

       root@srv56:/mail/data/shared/rself# ls -la /mail/data/shared/rself/
       total 20
       drwx------  4 rself mail    79 Aug 24 15:22 .
       drwxrwx---  7 mail  mail    71 Aug 24 16:01 ..
       -rw-------  1 rself mail    17 Aug 24 15:22 dovecot-acl-list
       drwx------ 10 rself mail   130 Aug 24 12:28 mailboxes
       drwx------  2 rself mail 12288 Aug 25 16:25 storage
       -rw-------  1 rself mail    70 Aug 24 12:28 subscriptions

And the contents of dovecot-acl-list:

       root@srv56:/mail/data/shared/rself# cat dovecot-acl-list
       1440447778 INBOX

And the mailbox-specific files:

       ls -la
       total 4
       drwx------ 2 rself mail 24 Aug 25 08:16 .
       drwx------ 3 rself mail 23 Aug 24 12:28 ..
       -rw------- 1 rself mail 24 Aug 24 15:22 dovecot-acl


       cat dovecot-acl
       user=musrey akxeilprwts

Now, the global ACL dictionary (just a flat file, not enough users to justify SQL :)

       root@srv56:~# ls -la /mail/dict/
       total 12
       drwxrwxr-x 2 root  mail 4096 Aug 24 18:05 .
       drwxr-xr-x 5 root  root 4096 Aug 23 08:51 ..
       -rw-r--r-- 1 rself mail   40 Aug 24 18:05 shared-mailboxes

And contents:

       root@srv56:~# cat /mail/dict/shared-mailboxes

So, as far as I can tell from my RTFM activities, I think the configuration is correct. Now, I go to attempt to check the ACL using doveadm, and I get this:

       root@srv56:~# doveadm acl debug -u musrey Shared/rself/INBOX
       doveadm(musrey): Error: Can't open mailbox Shared/rself/INBOX:
       Mailbox doesn't exist: Shared/rself/INBOX

WTH, over? So, not thinking this is an ACL issue, but simply a namespace issue - either I have the shared namespace configured incorrectly, or I'm using it incorrectly in attempting to identify rself's INBOX when trying to verify that the ACL is working. So, I thought to myself, let's try a mailbox list, so I executed

       root@srv56:~# doveadm mailbox list -u musrey
       AES Outdoors
       AES Outdoors/Christy
       AES Outdoors/Gwen
       .... (many, many mailboxes in here - I should probably eliminate
       some of them :)
       Xata Corporation
       Xata Corporation/Mike Brossman
       Xata Corporation/Mike Uremovich

But no "Shared" or "rself" to be found.

Help, please.  I'm quickly going bald over this one.


*Mark Usrey*
Director of Information Technologies

*Solaray LLC
Solaray LLC*
620 S. Linden
Sapulpa, Ok 74066
(918) 227-0722 Ext. 527

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