> Just curious, it is transferred in some RSxxx serial protocol?

The expectation is that the unencrypted traffic will be used for clients on an 
Ethernet network behind a radio operating on amateur radio frequencies 
according to FCC Part 97 rules.  The radio could be:
-- 56+kbps UHF, such as the upcoming UDRX-440 by NW Digital Radio
-- WiFi radio using BBHN or AREDN mesh software 
-- WiFi radio using commercial software, but operated under FCC Part 97 
(amateur radio) rules, instead of Part 15 (commercial/consumer) rules
-- ... or maybe something else

It won't be the bulk of our traffic, but it is important since it is part of 
the county's emergency communications plan.

I don't want to hijack this list with amateur radio stuff.  Curious hams can 
contact me off list at n6mef at mefox dot org.


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