Such connections do not exist on the front-end that connects to director
hosts, so it's something between director and dovecot only.

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 1:16 PM, Webert de Souza Lima <
> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a 2 director - 2 dovecot set up in a cluster.
> From time to time I notice high usage of RAM by dovecot process, and
> analyzing with doveadm who,
> I see many users with dozens, even hundreds of PIDs.
> Inspecting those PIDs I see each one of them is an IMAP connection, coming
> from either director process, and ESTABILISHED.
> A deeper analysis shows me that there ltos of connections from the same
> users to BOTH dovecot instances, but as I am using director, this shouldn't
> happen, right? Ok. The thing is, one of the dovecot instances have only old
> connections (like 3 days old) and the other dovecot have some old and some
> newer connections.
> So, director is redirecting recent connections to the right dovecot, as
> expected, but it is keeping many of old and unused connections open,
> consuming resources.
> output of doveconf -n from dovecot:
> output of doveconf -n from director:
> Thanks.

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