
Dovecot 2.2.27 (Debian Jessie backports).

When issuing a "doveadm kick" for a specific user I was greeted by:
"warning: other connections would also be kicked from following users:"
and a list of 22odd thousand users.

As it turns out, kick wants to smack the hibernation proces(ses) that
have hibernated sessions for this user, obviously the wrong approach here.

If there's doveadm command to wake up and thus un-hibernate sessions for a
specific user this could be used as a workaround but a quick glance
suggest no such thing. 

This functionality is absolutely crucial for us as we need this for our
custom mailbox migration functionality.

If there's no workaround or fix within 2 months I'll be forced to disable
hibernation again (with a heavy heart).


Christian Balzer        Network/Systems Engineer                
ch...@gol.com           Global OnLine Japan/Rakuten Communications

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