On 07.08.2017 20:28, Stefan Hagen wrote:
> Hello,
> I noticed a strange behavor, where I would like to ask for help.
> I have set up a few virtual mailboxes using the Virtual plugin.
> These mailboxes are:
> - Unread (all undread in all mailboxes)
> - LastDay (last 24h of all mailboxes)
> - LastWeek (last 7 days of all mailboxes)
> ...
> The virtual mailboxes in general are working great. However, there is one 
> annoying behavior I would like to fix.
> If I define my virtual mailboxes like this:
> namespace inbox {
>  inbox = yes
>  prefix = "Virtual/"
>  separator = /
>  location = "virtual:~/.emails_virtual:LAYOUT=fs"
>  list = yes
>  subscriptions = yes
> }
> All programs can work with this mailbox. However, the index are not kept in 
> sync. Let's say I mark some emails as "read" in the "Unread" mailbox, then 
> they will still be in "unread"-state in the LastDay and LastWeek mailboxes.
> This is annoying. And there is a fix for it...
>  location = "virtual:~/.emails_virtual:LAYOUT=fs:INDEX=MEMORY"
> Once I set INDEX=MEMORY, the mailbox refresh happens instantly. Marking an 
> email as "read" in the "Unread" mailbox will instantly set it as "read" in 
> the other mailboxes as well.
> However, many mail programs (mainly clients on OSX and iOS) have trouble and 
> freak out with a refresh loop once I open these mailboxes. One client 
> specifically complained about UID validity issues, which leads me to believe 
> that UIDs are generated on the fly and are not stable when INDEX is set to 
> How can I keep my virtual mailboxes in sync? Shouldn't they stay in sync even 
> when INDEX=MEMORY is *not* set? I tried to set INDEX to a directory - it 
> didn't help.
> Best Regards,
> Stefan
> Files:
> - 15-mailboxes.conf: https://gist.github.com/e54d458ece16ad6f29b536fa840e99ec
> - dovecot version: 2.2.31 (65cde28)
> - OS: FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p11
There are a few known issues in the virtual plugin for Dovecot 2.2.31. Some of 
these we will have fixed in 2.2.32. Your issue seems like a case of 


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