

On 18.08.2017 12:41, Noel Butler wrote:
> On 18/08/2017 06:15, Randy Gordey wrote:
>> What is the syntax for dovecot mail_location when postfix delivers mail to
>> /var/spool/mail/?
>> These are the old unix style mbox, one file per user.
>> Not setting mail_location in 10-mail.conf results in Auto not finding it.
>> mbox: /var/spool/mail/%u said mbox root directory can't be a file.
> Its been over 10 years since I've run mbox, but i'm sure your format is
> wrong, you're also not supposed to use spaces either, in fact I think
> its telling you whats wrong, from memory, its mbox:~/mail:<other stuff> 
> but I cant recall what otherstuff is I know the pathis in it but it
> needs something before it, I just cant recall what, see the wiki, I'd be
> highly surprised if it did not explain it. 
>> mbox: /var/spool/mail/ tries to make Sent and Deleted Folders, etc.
>> maildir: /var/spool/mail/ closes the connection.
> Thats not how maildir works you need to add the Maildir directory to it,
> ie  maildir:/var/spool/mail/%n/Maildir 
> but DO NOT USE THAT directory!  And its more than dovecot you need to
> change if you're going to use maildir, so just fix up your mbox
> settings. 

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