On 05.12.2017 08:05, Mark Foley wrote:
> I am using Active directory authentication via gssapi for most users.  In 
> dovecot.conf I have:
> auth_mechanisms = plain login gssapi
> auth_use_winbind = yes
> I also have
> passdb { driver = shadow }
> userdb { driver = passwd }
> for those few users who are NOT AD users.
> Even though the AD users do not exist in /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow, Dovecot 
> ALWAYS first looks
> them up in shadow, which ALWAYS fails. 
> The https://wiki2.dovecot.org/PasswordDatabase wiki says, "these databases 
> can't be used with
> non-plaintext authentication mechanisms."
> Is there a way to bypass checking passdb (and userdb?) for these mechanism?
> --Mark

You can try:

passdb {

skip = authenticated

In very recent dovecot version you could use mechanism_filter too, but I
guess skip=authenticated should work.


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