On 13.12.2017 21:41, Tanstaafl wrote:
> On 12/12/2017, 1:39:08 PM, Stephan Bosch <step...@rename-it.nl> wrote:
>> However, keep in mind that for this particular feature we're just 
>> providing the "chicken" as it were. The "egg", i.e. client support, is 
>> still to come. Apart from Trojita (which I think is still not widely 
>> used), I know of no IMAP client supporting BURL/URLAUTH for message 
>> submission. I'd expect to see it first for clients that can truly 
>> benefit; i.e., mobile clients such as K9.
> Oh... bummer...
> I thought this was simply going to be an SMTP like service that any SMTP
> client could utilize, keeping the BURL/URLAUTH pieces working only
> between Dovecot and the MTA it works with. Meaning, instead of
> connecting an SMTP service provided by Postfix, you connect to one
> provided by Dovecot. I guess there is a good reason it couldn't be made
> to work this way.
> For obvious reasons, the likelihood that Thunderbird will add
> BURL/URLAUTH support anytime in the next few years is probably nonexistent.
> :(

Actually it's supposed to serve as SMTP-like service as well.


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