Hi Gabriel,
I'm trying to implement what you suggested using apache mod_userdir with
UserDir /srv/dovecot
<DirectoryMatch "^/srv/dovecot/(?<WHICHUSER>[^/]+)">
  Require user %{env:MATCH_WHICHUSER}
  DirectoryIndex .dovecot.sieve.log
I still need to find how to set up right permissions for these logs without
too much brute force.
It looks like this way I can get what I want, but I really hoped to find
some better way: my Roundcube installation is on the load-balanced web farm
and there is no and should not be a file access to these logs. I think such
a feature as Sieve compiler must have some standard way to say what is
wrong to the author of the Sieve script.

On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 2:29 PM, Gabriel Kaufmann <maili...@typoworx.com>

> Alternatively use a web-interface with read-only access to the log?
> best regards
> Gabriel Kaufmann

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