On 02.03.2018 09:38, MRob wrote:
> On 2018-03-01 22:59, John Woods wrote:
>> Hey Everyone,
>>     We are getting a compile error for Dovecot 2.2.34 on Solaris 11.3
>> x86, using Solaris Studio 12.6 compiler, and it doesn't occur with
>> Dovecot 2.2.33.
>>> Making all in charset-alias
> Can someone easily explain what the usage of this plugin is? Maybe example 
> when it is helpful?
There is a short explanation at https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Plugins/CharsetAlias

It is intended for mapping charactersets to work around some e.g. Windows 
specific letters being lost when Dovecot converts mail to UTF8 using iconv.


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