What version is this?

Op 22/06/2018 om 01:59 schreef ratatouille:

I set sieve = file:~/sieve;active=~/Postfach/.dovecot.sieve because I got error
Debug: sieve: user's script ~/.dovecot.sieve doesn't exist

But with sieve = file:~/sieve;active=~/Postfach/.dovecot.sieve I get

Jun 22 01:55:21 lda(a.meyer): Error: sieve: sieve file backend: invalid option 
Jun 22 01:55:21 lda(a.meyer): Error: sieve: failed to access user's Sieve 
script file:~/sieve;active=~/Postfach/.dovecot.sieve (temporary failure)

What can I do so that LDA finds the sievescript of the user?

Kind regards


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