On 2 Dec 2018, at 22.22, Guillaume via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:
> I also have this kind of segfault since the update :
> Dec  2 21:12:11 xxxxxxx dovecot: auth-worker: Error: *** Error in 
> `dovecot/auth': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x000055573bb99f70

Is this easy to reproduce? Can you try with valgrind? It will slow down the 
logins a bit though.

service auth-worker {
  executable = /usr/bin/valgrind -q --vgdb=no /usr/lib/dovecot/auth -w

At least one good thing about this crash is that it seems to happen only at 
deinit, so it's not impacting users.

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