is anybody else here??? Are my informations to much? Am I alone with
this fucking shit? Are my informations to less??? Why do I have the
feeling, nobody else is interesting in this problem?


Am 05.12.18 um 11:37 schrieb Jakobus Schürz:
> What really strange is:
> There is a seen message
> 1544001025.M268344P5000.mymail,S=2804,W=2861:2,S
> Shown in Thunderbird as seen. Then i move this message to INBOX, and
> the logs say:
> Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: 
> imap(user.name)<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: Mailbox INBOX: Mailbox opened 
> because: UID move
> Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: 
> imap(user.name)<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: imapsieve: mailbox INBOX: 
> MOVE event
> Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: 
> imap(user.name)<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Error: Log synchronization error at 
> seq=22,offset=31692 for 
> /var/lib/dovecot/db/indexes/Maildir/user.name/INBOX/dovecot.index: Append 
> with UID 861, but next_uid = 862
> Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: 
> imap(user.name)<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Warning: fscking index file 
> /var/lib/dovecot/db/indexes/Maildir/user.name/INBOX/dovecot.index
> Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: 
> imap(user.name)<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: sieve: Pigeonhole version 
> 0.5.4 (60b0f48d) initializing
> Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: 
> imap(user.name)<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: sieve: Sieve imapsieve plugin 
> for Pigeonhole version 0.5.4 (60b0f48d) loaded
> Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: 
> imap(user.name)<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: sieve: Sieve Extprograms 
> plugin for Pigeonhole version 0.5.4 (60b0f48d) loaded
> Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: 
> imap(user.name)<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: imapsieve: Static mailbox 
> rule [1]: mailbox=`INBOX/Junk' from=`*' causes=(COPY) => 
> before=`file:/etc/dovecot/sieve/report-spam.sieve' after=(none)
> Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: 
> imap(user.name)<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: imapsieve: Static mailbox 
> rule [2]: mailbox=`*' from=`INBOX/Junk' causes=(COPY) => 
> before=`file:/etc/dovecot/sieve/report-ham.sieve' after=(none)
> *Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]:
> imap(user.name)<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: copy from INBOX/Arbeiten/bla:
> box=INBOX, uid=861,
> msgid=<a0c120f23b6a42cba283cd12f8fc7c864747d36d.ca...@bla.com>,
> from=user.n...@bla.com, subject=TEST006, flags=()*
> Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: 
> imap(user.name)<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: expunge: box=INBOX/Arbeiten/bla, 
> uid=16, msgid=<a0c120f23b6a42cba283cd12f8fc7c864747d36d.ca...@bla.com>, 
> from=user.n...@bla.com, subject=TEST006, flags=(\Seen)
> The fat line shows, that the copied message has no flags. The next
> line shows, that the expunged message has the \Seen-Flag... That is
> strange. Do YOU have any idea, what can cause this?
> The filename in the new folder is:
> 1544001025.M268344P5000.mymail,S=2804,W=2861:2,
> Then I deactivated the actions on COPY (the two lines above the fat
> line) and moved this message back:
> Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]: 
> imap(user.name)<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: Debug: Mailbox INBOX/Arbeiten/bla: 
> Mailbox opened because: UID move
> Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]: 
> imap(user.name)<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: Debug: acl vfile: file 
> /var/mail/user.name/Maildir/Arbeiten/bla/dovecot-acl not found
> Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]: 
> imap(user.name)<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: Debug: imapsieve: mailbox 
> INBOX/Arbeiten/bla: MOVE event
> Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]: 
> imap(user.name)<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: Error: Log synchronization error at 
> seq=2,offset=20716 for 
> /var/lib/dovecot/db/indexes/Maildir/user.name/Arbeiten/bla/dovecot.index: 
> Append with UID 18, but next_uid = 19
> Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]: 
> imap(user.name)<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: Warning: fscking index file 
> /var/lib/dovecot/db/indexes/Maildir/user.name/Arbeiten/bla/dovecot.index
> *Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]:
> imap(user.name)<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: copy from INBOX:
> box=INBOX/Arbeiten/bla, uid=18,
> msgid=<a0c120f23b6a42cba283cd12f8fc7c864747d36d.ca...@bla.com>,
> from=user.n...@bla.com, subject=TEST006, flags=()*
> Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]: 
> imap(user.name)<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: expunge: box=INBOX, uid=861, 
> msgid=<a0c120f23b6a42cba283cd12f8fc7c864747d36d.ca...@bla.com>, 
> from=user.n...@bla.com, subject=TEST006, flags=(\Seen)
> The fat line again shows, that the message has no flags set (but i
> klicked it in thunderbird, and it was shown as seen, before i moved
> it. Filenamebehaviour is as before. The file in the copy-destination
> has no S for seen...
> Is there a posibility, that there is a connection to the "Log
> synchronization error"? On each and every move-Action, at the
> beginning the logs show this error (i reported also yesterday and
> month before!)
> jakob
> Am 05.12.18 um 09:24 schrieb Jakobus Schürz:
>> Does it matter, if the keyword-files do not match?
>> In one of the two folders is the content of dovecot-keywords
>> 0 $label3
>> 1 Junk
>> 2 NonJunk
>> in the other folder:
>> 0 $label3
>> 1 NonJunk
>> 2 Junk
>> 3 redirected
>> 4 $label2
>> 5 $label4
>> 6 Seen
>> As i said, i use $labes[1-4] from thunderbird.
>> And i use as MUA Thunderbird, Androids Gmail-App, Horde webmail,
>> somtimes samsungs mail-app on android, k9mail on android (not now), and
>> evolution from gnome.
>> But... the Filename loses the S, when copying the file to another folder
>> with all of the mailclients. As i showed you.
>> I also deactivated all of the sievescripts in dovecot (i have some
>> before, some after, the two for setting and removing Junk and \seen as
>> described at the begin of this thread, and user-sieve-scripts), and
>> dovecot again sets a moved message to unread and recent...
>> I also tested it for another user. The same.
>> And it is ONLY the Seen-Flag, which does not work on setting it via
>> sieve. Or maybe, setting a message as \Recent removes the \Seen-Flag? 
>> And dovecot sets every new message in a folder to \Recent, independend
>> where it comes from???
>> Sorry, I'm not a programmer ;-)
>> But i try to describe it as good as possible, what i can see on my machine.
>> Hopefully i have time to setup a second mailserver for testing-purpose,
>> to test, what's going on. Is it the rest of kopano, which shits into my
>> dovecot, or some misconfiguration, or the ldap-connection?
>> There is exim4, which pipes the emails to /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver
>> But when i move emails around from one imap-folder to another one, there
>> is no exim...
>> The other thing is (as shown in a mail before), i have rspamd, to which
>> i pipe messages, when i move them from Junk to anywhere - learning ham,
>> and move them from anywhere to Junk - learning spam. This process only
>> sends a copy of the already moved message to rspamc...
>> The filesystem has read/write permissions for vmail:vmail, which i user
>> for the mailboxes and dovecot-process...
>> For me, it looks like when dovecot copys or put a message to a folder,
>> it sets it default to unseen and recent. Is there maybe an option, which
>> has influence for this behaviour?
>> And i do not move messages directly on filesystem with cp, mv or other
>> filesystemtools.
>> Jakob
>> Am 05.12.18 um 01:21 schrieb Ralph Seichter:
>>> * Jakobus Schürz:
>>>> 1543935543.M447415P13997.mymail,S=726,W=748:2,Sa
>>>> Then i move this email to another IMAP-Folder, and then there is the
>>>> filename
>>>> 1543935543.M447415P13997.mymail,S=726,W=748:2,
>>>> As expected, the seen-flag disappeared... the same as thunderbird
>>>> shows.
>>> And what about the "dovecot-keywords" files in both folders? Do they
>>> match? The letter "a" seems to indicates that there is at least one
>>> non-standard flag defined in the source folder's keywords. By the way,
>>> can I assume you move messages only by using Thunderbird/IMAP and not by
>>> manipulating the file system?
>>> Here's how things look on my server:
>>>   # On arrival (UNSEEN)
>>>   1543968031.M941319P5841.foo,S=1390,W=1422:2,
>>>   # After reading (SEEN)
>>>   1543968031.M941319P5841.foo,S=1390,W=1422:2,S
>>>   # After being moved to another folder (SEEN)
>>>   1543968031.M941319P5841.foo,S=1390,W=1422:2,S
>>> I can use IMAP search terms SEEN and UNSEEN as indicated above, and I
>>> see the same message state displayed in Notmuch mail (my default, it
>>> accesses Dovecot's Maildir storage directly) and various IMAP clients
>>> connecting to Dovecot. Things are working just fine here.
>>> -Ralph

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