
That was a really useful answer.

// Hans

Den 2018-12-30 kl. 10:53, skrev Sami Ketola:
On 29 Dec 2018, at 23.49, Hans Brage <> wrote:


I'm currently running an small imap-server on Dovecot 2.2.4 but will retire 
that server. I've set up an new server with Dovecot 2.3.4 and will migrate the 
mailboxes (maildir-format) from the old to the new server. I'm planning to 
restructure the accounts a bit when migrating so I need to move them one by 
one. Its only a few so thats not a big issue.

Both servers are using virtual accounts (users file).

I've understood that best method for migration is to run doveadm backup -R from 
the new server. But I really cant figure out what other parameters or settings 
that I need to perform that task and if it should be run as user vmail or root.

Would be greatful for any tips, hints, links or similiar.

Once you have the new server set up, you can use dsync over ssh to sync the 
mailboxes with something like:

doveadm backup -u user@newserver -R ssh sudouser@oldserver sudo 
/usr/bin/doveadm dsync-server -u user@oldserver

needs to be run as root on new server. Also ssh access with keys and without 
password is recommended.


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