Hello Joseph,

thanks for your reply.

> doveadm fetch -u my-mail...@domain.net 'guid hdr.message-id' ...
> You're on your own for everything else. 

That works and I may be can make it work with that using a shell-script
interacting with getmail as Filter. But indeed it's fetching ALL
message-ids. It would be perfect if I could make search query on 'guid
hdr.message-id' to get only a result (or none) if there is a message
matching the message-id.

I've tried to adopt your suggestion into a doveadm query, but it's not

> doveadm -f table search -u 'my-mail...@domain.net' 'guid
> hdr.Message-ID' '<1546519978.5...@foo.com>'
> Fatal: Unknown argument GUID HDR.MESSAGE-ID
> doveadm search -u 'gabriel.kaufm...@gmx.net' 'guid hdr.Message-ID'
> '<1546519978.5...@paypal.com>'
> Fatal: Unknown argument GUID HDR.MESSAGE-ID

Either it's not working at all or I've done something wrong. Do you know
it that is possible?

Usually getmail should already notice which messages have been fetched
and it's creating some kind of simple file-database containing
message-id's already. But for some reason it's not working really good
(there are many complains about that to be find by google). Ending up to
query every 5 minutes over my whole Inbox (using doveadm fetch) will be
a performance killer - I think. Creating my own dedupe-database
additionally to getmail is overhead and I think it would lead into
developing my own 'getmail' or try to extend the existing code myself
(whatever is less time-consuming).

Do you have any idea if it's possible to use doveadm search for single
message-id without having to query over all messages?

Best regards

Gabriel Kaufmann

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