On 20.2.2019 2.00, Scott M. via dovecot wrote:
> I am trying to add a signature to all messages and it should be
> possible via vnd.dovecot.filter, the problem is that any script I try
> to filter through just hangs.
> I am running on FreeBSD 11.2 and I tried with dovecot 2.2.32 &
> pigeonhole 0.4.19 and with dovecot 2.3.2 && pigeonhole 0.5.2. In both
> cases, the output from dovecot is the same:
> Feb 19 18:24:22 mx13 dovecot: lda(user1): Debug: sieve: action filter:
> running program: append
> Feb 19 18:24:22 mx13 dovecot: lda(user1): Debug: Mailbox stdin: Opened
> mail UID=1 because: mail stream
> Feb 19 18:24:22 mx13 dovecot: lda(user1): Debug: waiting for program
> `/usr/local/gtech/sieve/append' to finish after 3 msecs
> Feb 19 18:25:22 mx13 dovecot: lda(user1): Debug: program
> `/usr/local/gtech/sieve/append'(55055) execution timed out after 60000
> milliseconds: sending TERM signal
> Feb 19 18:25:27 mx13 dovecot: lda(user1): Debug: program
> `/usr/local/gtech/sieve/append' (55055) did not die after 5000
> milliseconds: sending KILL signal
> at first I tried using my actual script but since it was failing I
> switched to a simple shell script:
> #!/bin/sh
> cat </dev/stdin >/dev/null
> echo "hey"
> exit 0
> I got that idea after
> reading: 
> http://dovecot.2317879.n4.nabble.com/execute-sieve-command-fails-to-notice-script-has-exited-td65316.html#a65319
> The result is unfortunately the same. From what I can gather ( ran it
> inside strace/truss too), dovecot-lda hangs on the output.
> Is this accurate ? How can I get this to work ?

This problem has been fixed in 2.3.4.


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