On 11/04/2019 14:33, Anton Dollmaier via dovecot wrote:

Which is why a dnsbl for dovecot is a good idea.  I do not believe the
agents behind these login attempts are only targeting me, hence the
addresses should be shared via a dnsbl.

Probably there's an existing solution for both problems (subsequent
attempts and dnsbl):


"The goal of 'wforce' is to detect brute forcing of passwords across many servers"

The problem is not detecting but blocking. Dovecot has no mechanism for using the data; Dovecot needs DNSBL capability.

I tested a small sample of my IMAP hackers using the lists I use for SMTP blocking [1] and enough are in these list to make them worth using. Extra detection is not needed as many of these addresses are already known - maybe even by using weakforced.


1. exim dnsblist:

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