
The log message earlier clearly stated you do not have binary called 'ssh' 
installed inside the docker container.

doveadm(u...@abc.net): Fatal: execvp(ssh) failed: No such file or directory

You can install it however with docker exec -it apt install ssh

*Alternatively* you can configure doveadm server and use that.

service doveadm {
  inet_listener {
     port = 12412

doveadm_port = 12412
doveadm_password = secretpass

Then you can do 

doveadm backup -D -u user@name tcp:remoteip:12412


> On 15/05/2020 08:02 Gregory Sloop <gr...@sloop.net> wrote:
> I'm no docker guru - so I'm more than a little out of my depth in this case.
>  But clearly ssh is installed, because that's what I'm running, and the sshd 
> allows a connect and I get a return from ls. So, it's working fine outside 
> the container.
>  And I only need to execute doveadm sync inside the container. [Because 
> that's where docecot/doveadm is installed.]
>  So, it sure seems to me that I've got everything in place, at least in terms 
> of ssh/sshd. I'm not even sure how I'd ssh directly to a sshd inside the 
> container.
>  AT> You need both. sshd where you try to connect to, and ssh on where you 
> try to connect from.
>  AT> Aki

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