Hi Stephan,

the "panic output" in dovecot.log is:

Nov 01 11:54:14 master: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=18477
uid=0 code=kill)
Nov 01 11:54:44
lda(peter.nabbef...@gmx.de)<18496><K8kMBPQOvF1ASAAA7IIYzw>: Panic: file
istream-crlf.c: line 24 (i_stream_crlf_read_common): assertion failed:
(ret != -2)
Nov 01 11:54:44
lda(peter.nabbef...@gmx.de)<18496><K8kMBPQOvF1ASAAA7IIYzw>: Error: Raw
backtrace: /usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0xff784) [0x7f9d3382b784]
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0xff7c1) [0x7f9d3382b7c1] ->
/usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0x493aa) [0x7f9d337753aa] ->
/usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0x4bf62) [0x7f9d33777f62] ->
/usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0x111076) [0x7f9d3383d076] ->
[0x7f9d33839291] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(i_stream_read+0x37)
[0x7f9d33839477] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0x1164a8)
[0x7f9d338424a8] ->
[0x7f9d33839291] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(i_stream_read+0x37)
[0x7f9d33839477] ->
[0x7f9d33839f3c] ->
/usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(io_stream_copy+0x8a) [0x7f9d33854bea]
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0x12aa86) [0x7f9d33856a86] ->
[0x7f9d3385486f] ->
[0x7f9d339da14e] ->
[0x7f9d33978be7] ->
[0x7f9d3394a5b7] ->
[0x7f9d3393b388] ->
[0x7f9d3397499d] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot-lda.so.0(+0x3c46)
[0x7f9d33a6bc46] ->
/usr/lib/dovecot/modules/lib20_fts_plugin.so(+0x11004) [0x7f9d334b9004]
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot-storage.so.0(+0x59b0c) [0x7f9d3394ab0c]
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot-sieve.so.0(+0x4edb8) [0x7f9d311a9db8] ->
[0x7f9d3119f5cd] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot-sieve.so.0(+0x57a79)
[0x7f9d311b2a79] ->
[0x7f9d311b3c49] ->
/usr/lib/dovecot/modules/lib90_sieve_plugin.so(+0x376b) [0x7f9d3122576b]
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot-lda.so.0(mail_deliver+0x199) [0x7f9d33a6d6d9]

Kind regards


Am 25.05.20 um 21:12 schrieb Stephan Bosch:

On 25/05/2020 12:06, Aki Tuomi wrote:
On 25/05/2020 13:00 Peter Nabbefeld <peter.nabbef...@gmx.de> wrote:


from time to time I keep getting problems with some emails causing
signal 6. I've already reported those, but it seems not to be easy to
find the cause. From the logs, it seems to occur in sieve

I've checked the email envelopes tody by accident, probably this
part of
my telnet session might help:

a11 fetch 1 all
* 1 FETCH (RFC822.SIZE 16750 INTERNALDATE "22-May-2020 05:02:34 +0000"
ENVELOPE ("Fri, 22 May 2020 03:46:54 +0000" "RE: Http2 tomact server
taking time in responding when 1st StreamId is a large integer value
like 2147483641" (("Prateek Kohli" NIL "prateek.kohli"
"ericsson.com.INVALID")) (("Prateek Kohli" NIL "prateek.kohli"
"ericsson.com.INVALID")) (("Tomcat Users List" NIL "users"
"tomcat.apache.org")) (("Tomcat Users List" NIL "users"
"tomcat.apache.org")) NIL NIL

FLAGS (\Seen))
a11 OK FETCH completed

a12 fetch 2 all
* 2 FETCH (RFC822.SIZE 21146 INTERNALDATE "22-May-2020 06:39:54 +0000"
ENVELOPE ("Fri, 22 May 2020 06:39:35 +0000" "RE: RST on TCP level sent
by Tomcat" (("Arshiya Shariff" NIL "arshiya.shariff"
"ericsson.com.INVALID")) (("Arshiya Shariff" NIL "arshiya.shariff"
"ericsson.com.INVALID")) (("Tomcat Users List" NIL "users"
"tomcat.apache.org")) (("Tomcat Users List" NIL "users"
"tomcat.apache.org")) (("ma...@apache.org" NIL "markt" "apache.org")("M
Venkata Pratap M" NIL "m.m.venkata.pratap" "ericsson.com")) NIL "


a12 OK FETCH completed

The first message causes signal 6, the second does not. Probably the
problem is killed by the two consecutive "NIL"s? I'm not an experienced
administrator, only managing my private computer, so I don't know the
meaning of every envelope field. But might these two "NIL"s cause
the abort?

BTW, to download all messages from my IMAP account to my private
instance I had to delete the first message, since I couldn't download
any other messages from the IMAP folder otherwise.

Kind regards


Can you provide the original mail? Optionally processed via
https://dovecot.org/tools/maildir-obfuscate.pl ?

Also, can you provide 'doveconf -n' output?

There is usually some panic message in the logs. We need that as well.



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