Am 08.07.2020 um 20:28 schrieb Kishore Potnuru:
Thank you for the reply.

As per our current infrastructure, I can go maximum of the redhat 7.7
version. Not more than that. Am I able to install or upgrade to dovecot 2.3
version in redhat 7.7?

Believe me, there is no technical reason why you can't use the current update release of RHEL 7. Current is

# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.8 (Maipo)


I have another question. I understand redhat 6.10 will go out of support in
november 2020. But this is a test environment. Am i able to install dovecot
2.3 version on redhat 6.10? For the Live support, I will be doing it on
redhat 7.7 version.

Red Hat does not provide a newer dovecot. If you don't need their support and just test out dovecot 2.3 you can get it as a working RPM package from

For testing, I am trying redhat 6.10 version, if it is successful, i will
be trying the Live one's on redhat 7.7 version.

Please help me if it is possible to install dovecot 2.3 on redhat 6.10?
This is a temporary test setup only.

Kishore Potnuru


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