Maybe a bug? 
I deleted the whole tree on the destination server, ran 
doveadm sync -D -1 -n inbox -u testacc tcp:mailxx.local:542
Only the directory structure of mdbox was created, no files.

2nd time I run:
doveadm sync -D -1 -n inbox -u testacc tcp:mailxx.local:542

The files are created in storage. 

What makes the m.XXX reset? I thought this would start at m.001 
after deleting the whole home dir

[@storage]# ls -cs1t
3928 m.737
4032 m.734
5868 m.735
5868 m.736
4100 m.733
4100 m.717
4100 m.718
4100 m.719
4100 m.720
4100 m.721
4100 m.722
4100 m.723
4100 m.724
4100 m.725
4100 m.726
4100 m.727
4100 m.728
4100 m.729
4100 m.730
4100 m.731
4100 m.732
4052 m.716

[@]# ls -cs1t mdbox/storage/
total 93448
3928 m.759
4032 m.756
4100 m.741
4100 m.742
4100 m.743
4100 m.744
4100 m.745
4100 m.746
4100 m.747
4100 m.748
4100 m.749
4100 m.750
4100 m.751
4100 m.752
4100 m.753
4100 m.754
4100 m.755
5868 m.757
5868 m.758
4100 m.739
4100 m.740
4052 m.738

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: Preparing for replication: dsync-local(testaccount): Panic: 
file mbox-lock.c

Replication is not supported with mbox format. You can only do 
unidirectional sync out of mbox. 


        I am preparing a bit for setting up replication. However when I 
        try to dsync an account, the first time I execute this[1] command 
        seems to be ok. The 2nd time I am getting this error[2]. 
        If I add -1 (one way syncing) the error disappears. Does this mean 
        will have problems with setting up replication between these two 

        [@ ~]# doveadm sync -n inbox -u testaccount tcp:mail.local:542 

        [@ ~]# doveadm sync -n inbox -u testaccount tcp:mail.local:542 
        dsync-local(testaccount): Panic: file mbox-lock.c: line 799 
        assertion failed: (lock_type == F_RDLCK || mbox->mbox_lock_type != 
        dsync-local(testaccount): Error: Raw backtrace: 
        /usr/lib64/dovecot/ [0x7fd4f827992e] -> 
        [0x7fd4f827999a] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/ 
        [0x7fd4f8209257] -> 
        [0x7fd4f858feef] -> 
        [0x7fd4f8591958] -> 

        [0x7fd4f855a573] -> doveadm(+0x4a6a3) [0x55e5ae8276a3] -> 
        doveadm(dsync_mailbox_import_mail+0xca) [0x55e5ae82a9fa] -> 
        doveadm(dsync_brain_sync_mails+0xb3) [0x55e5ae824963] -> 
        doveadm(dsync_brain_run+0x551) [0x55e5ae820551] -> 
        [0x55e5ae8208e0] -> doveadm(+0x5899f) [0x55e5ae83599f] -> 
        [0x7fd4f828f672] -> 
        [0x7fd4f8290d5f] -> 
        [0x7fd4f828f70c] -> 
        [0x7fd4f828f8c8] -> doveadm(+0x297c9) [0x55e5ae8067c9] -> 
        doveadm(+0x2bdcc) [0x55e5ae808dcc] -> doveadm(+0x2c9ca) 
        -> doveadm(doveadm_mail_try_run+0x215) [0x55e5ae80a325] -> 
        doveadm(main+0x46a) [0x55e5ae7f949a] -> 
        /lib64/ [0x7fd4f7e2c555] -> 
        doveadm(+0x1c605) [0x55e5ae7f9605] 

        CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core) 

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