Hi John,

    Thank you for your answer!

I agree with you, I think you recommendation should solve the problem, it seems the only possible workaround. I have to investigate if it possible and how to accomplish that with the load balancer.


El 3/11/20 a las 15:27, John Fawcett escribió:
On 09/10/2020 21:17, Gustavo Ajeitos [Office365] wrote:

I'm using dovecot 2.3.10 in OpenSUSE and I have configured a
master/master replication between two backends, it works well but I
have found an issue with the replication of the HIGHESTMODSEQ.
When I move a set of message from a mailbox to other, e.g. move 3
messages from INBOX to Junk, the HIGHESTMODSEQ get different on each
server, with no errors in the log:

[Borrador] 34:34
[Sent] 63:63
[Drafts] 12:12
[Trash] 146:146
[Junk] 219:218
[INBOX] 1133:1130

It can be fixed executing a full sync:
$ sudo doveadm -D -v sync -u u...@test.priv -d -l 30 -U

But it is not a solution because it happens all the time that a user
move messages.

I'm using ActiveSync and the ActiveSync server use the HIGHESTMODSEQ
as part of the synchronization key (sync_key), so in that situation
the server detect changes on the mailbox if it connects to the backend
with a different HIGHESTMODSEQ that it previously cached, causing a
loop beetween the ActiveSync server and the the email client, where
the server constantly inform email client about nonexistent changes.

Could it be a bug in Dovecot replication? How can I solve it?

Best regards,
Gustavo Ajeitos

Hi Gustavo

I don't know if this is a bug, but one thing I noticed is that for
master/master replication the recommendation is to have specific users
always directed to the same server. If you implemented this
recommendation for the ActiveSync connections, would that solve the problem?


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