On 01 Jan 2021, at 16:01, Maik Musall <li...@musall.de> wrote:
> recently I migrated my mail server from an Ubuntu 16.04 box to an Ubuntu 
> 20.04 box, so from dovecot 2.2.22 to, and to openssl 1.1.1.f. While 
> everything else works fine, I have one important user stuck on an iOS 9 
> device that I need to support for a while longer, with which the IMAP TLS 
> handshake keeps failing. From the logs:

macOS 9 does not support any currently valid and support TLS version and cannot 
communicate on the Internet securely.

> Does anyone have an idea what else I could try?

Have them get an iPad for mail? I don't think they can even use secure webmail.

All he [Vimes] knew was that you couldn't hope to try for the big
        stuff, like world peace and happiness, but you might just about
        be able to achieve some tiny deed that'd make the world, in a
        small way, a better place. Like shooting someone.

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