I have a dovecot & dovecot-sieve running under MacPorts on my macOS ’server’. I 
do a very low tech maintenance on sieve, by using the cli on the server and 
edit sieve by hand for myself. I’d like to open this up to other users.

How do people use this from their macOS clients? For this, the ManageSieve 
protocol exists and this is implemented by dovecot-sieve, but other than 
installing roundcube and offering a web-based mail client that also supports 
ManageSieve, is there another way? A ManageSieve client that directly runs on 
the macOS client and interfaces with dovecot-sieve on the server?

After all, routing mail to different mailboxes better happens server-side so 
that all clients profit.

Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerbenwierda>)
R&A IT Strategy <https://ea.rna.nl/> (main site)
Book: Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture <https://ea.rna.nl/the-book/>
Book: Mastering ArchiMate <https://ea.rna.nl/the-book-edition-iii/>

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