Am 11.08.22 um 10:03 schrieb Aki Tuomi:

Maybe you should consider fixing this issue in FairMail instead? There is no 
supported way to manage keywords at this moment. Modifying the actual IMAP 
responses is very hard.


Am trying... But still there is the issue with the difference of keywords 
actually used in the mails and the ones in the index file. I had to delete the 
index files to reset that list - and I don't like deleting the index files on 
Is there a way to fix or circumvent that?

Can you show examples of this? All clients should only use the ones provided 
over IMAP connection, not what the index files contain.


Currently there are some mails in my inbox.

'doveadm -f flow -v fetch -u spi 'flags uid' mailbox Inbox' shows

flags=\Seen uid=3
flags=\Seen $Forwarded uid=4
flags=\Seen NonJunk 3_warten uid=5
flags=\Seen NonJunk uid=6
flags=\Seen NonJunk uid=7
flags=\Seen NonJunk uid=8
flags=\Seen uid=9
flags=\Seen NonJunk uid=10
flags=\Seen NonJunk uid=11
flags=\Seen NonJunk uid=12
flags=\Seen NonJunk uid=13
flags=\Seen NonJunk uid=14
flags=\Seen NonJunk uid=15
flags=\Answered \Seen uid=18
flags=\Seen uid=28
flags=\Seen uid=29
flags=\Seen NonJunk 3_warten uid=102

My client receives from dovecot the following list:

b select inbox
* FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft NonJunk $Forwarded
3_warten 1_aktuell 2_projekt 4_irgendwann)
* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft NonJunk
$Forwarded 3_warten 1_aktuell 2_projekt 4_irgendwann \*)] Flags permitted.

Please seaa for the [1-4]_.* keywords - only 3_warten is used in the
inbox, but dovecot sends more. I had even a longer list, that's why I
deleted the index files.

To deal with that there are two options - a fixed list on the client
with the disadvantage of missing new keywords.

A defined list on the server - with the downside of the user being
unable to add new keywords.

So I thing both are somehow needed - a current list sent by dovecot and
pre-defined list omm the client.


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