On 3/20/23 21:29, Elisamuel Resto Donate wrote:

I don't know what the error means or how to get rid of it.

But in the replies, I do see something that might indicate a misunderstanding of how /proc works.

Every pid will be getting a different file than another pid when it accesses things in /proc/self. You can't apply anything you learn from accessing /proc/self/status in a shell prompt to dovecot, because dovecot gets a different file when it accesses /proc/self/status.

Open up two shells on the same system and then do this command in both:

ls -al /proc/self

You'll see that one shell has a different symlink target than the other.

Instead, find the pid for dovecot and look at /proc/NNNNN/status. This command might work:

ls -al /proc/`pgrep dovecot`/status


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