> On 20/04/2023 12:17 EEST Marc <m...@f1-outsourcing.eu> wrote:
> > 
> >     Are there any plans to interface to blacklistd?
> > 
> >     -- Doug
> > 
> > 
> > Hi Doug,
> > 
> > Since blacklistd uses PF, you can already use fail2ban or sshguard
> > <https://www.sshguard.net/>  to achieve the same thing you are after.
> > Given that blacklistd is just an intermediary like fail2ban, is there a
> > real need for dovecot interfacing with it?
> > 
> Maybe because fail2ban and logs are on a remote server?


My suggestions:

1: Write simple (e.g.) Flask/Twisted based adapter for Auth Policy (not really 
very difficult)
2: Use passdb lua to interface with blacklistd.
3: Convince blacklistd authors to support weakforced protocol.

And no, we do not have currently plans to add support for blacklistd. Sorry.

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