
I had been using the lucene FTS plugin since a decade now and it has done me 
well. Thought of upgrading to the new & current stuff and came across the 
flatcurve plugin which seems very promising (xapian on the other hand was 
creating indexes larger than my mailboxes themselves). I am using following 
configuration in dovecot.conf:

fts = flatcurve
fts_filters_en = lowercase english-possessive stopwords
fts_languages = en
fts_tokenizers = generic email-address
fts_autoindex = no
fts_enforced = yes

A search command like this:

doveadm -D search -u j...@doe.com mailbox INBOX SUBJECT 

should show the messages with subject: "CRON: /home/johndoe/render.php OK" but 
produces a lot of extra undesired results and I think the second line in this 
debug output indicates the reason:

May 23 07:44:13 doveadm(j...@doe.com): Debug: fts-flatcurve(INBOX): Query 
(hdr_subject:/home/johndoe/render.php*) matches=0 uids=
May 23 07:44:13 doveadm(j...@doe.com): Debug: fts-flatcurve(INBOX): Query 
(hdr_subject:php* AND hdr_subject:render* AND hdr_subject:johndoe* AND 
hdr_subject:home*) matches=272 

I tried rebuilding the indexes with "fts_flatcurve_substring_search = yes" too 
but that didn't change anything. It works as expected with lucene plugin 
because in that case header search is performed via dovecot indexes instead of 
FTS. May be I am not doing something right in configuring this new FTS? Will 
really appreciate some pointers here.

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