On 7/9/2023 1:19 PM, joe a wrote:
On 7/9/2023 4:58 AM, Markus Winkler wrote:
Hi Joe,

On 09.07.23 00:53, joe a wrote:
Is it possible to setup shared folders between virtual users on the same server?

yes it is - here's the starting point within the documentation:


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My attempts thus far seem without results.

What should I expect to see, if anything, in each account for a successful "share"?  Sadly, I see no apparent change in the displayed folder structure using Thunderbird (most recent AFAICT).

I created and can see, in the folder structure of "user a" a symlink to "user b", but see no apparent difference in either account, after exit and restart of Thunderbird.

Restart of dovecot was also done.

To be a bit more explicit (hopefully) There is a symlink in "/home/vmail/usera/Maildir/.Cabinet.folder_name" to "/home/vmail/userb/Maildir/.Cabinet.name_2_share_as", both owned by vmail:vmail, do at first thought, I should not have to fiddle with file system rights.  Wrong?

joe a.

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"so at first thought" . . .

Could this be an ACL issue? The "magic 8 ball" says . . . "try again later".
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