Okay, after digging into the source code of mail-crypt-plugin.c and
doveadm-mail-crypt.c, it was clear that doveadm should do the trick.

But it didn't...

Further digging into doveadm-mail-crypt.c lead me to mail-crypt-acl-
plugin.c which revealed that there must be an additional plugin called
mail-crypt-acl that must be activated. Found that module in
/usr/lib/dovecot/modules/, activated it (mail_plugins = $mail_plugins
mail_crypt mail_crypt_acl), recreated ACLs (with 
plugin/mail_crypt_private_password=<password> option), et voila... 

NOTE: This isn't documented anywhere! The whole www does not know about
the existence of the mail_crypt_acl plugin (6 irrelevant/identical
results on google). Even ChatGPT fails... ;)

Please add this to the mail-crypt plugin documentation on this page:



Am Dienstag, dem 11.07.2023 um 18:10 +0200 schrieb Robert Senger:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to setup mailbox sharing (not public mailboxes) together
> with mail-crypt plugin and encrypted folder keys.
> According to the source code of the mail-crypt plugin (there's code
> trying to retrieve private keys for shared mailboxes), and its
> documentation, this should be possible:
> -----
> If you are using global keys, mails can be shared within the key
> scope.
> The global key can be provided with several different scopes:
>     Global scope: key is configured in dovecot.conf file
>     Per-user(group) scope: key is configured in userdb file
> With folder keys, key sharing can be done to single user, or multiple
> users. When key is shared to single user, and the user has public key
> available, the folder key is encrypted to recipient’s public key.
> If you have mail_crypt_acl_require_secure_key_sharing enabled, you
> can’t share the key to groups or someone with no public key.
> -----
> The documentation mentions key sharing, but I have no idea how this
> could be implemented, and did not find anything else than this mail-
> crypt documentation in the whole web...
> I assume that I need to export the user key of the users's folder
> that
> should be shared, and import it into the receiving users keys,
> encrypted with the receiving user's key.
> Is that right? Any hints how to do that?
> Regards,
> Robert
> -- 
> Robert Senger
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Robert Senger

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