Here is the info from dovecot -n

dovecot.mail-server and postfix.mail-server are valid dns entries for
themselves. It's running on a kubernetes cluster so those hostnames are
provided by the namespace and pod name, they work too, you can ping them
and it works for everything except emails with attachments, for some reason

# (f79e8e7e4): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf

# Pigeonhole version 0.5.4 ()

# OS: Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64 x86_64 Debian 10.13 ext4

# Hostname: dovecot.mail-server.svc.cluster.local

auth_debug = yes

auth_debug_passwords = yes

auth_mechanisms = plain login

auth_verbose = yes

auth_verbose_passwords = yes

disable_plaintext_auth = no

first_valid_gid = 8

first_valid_uid = 8

haproxy_timeout = 5 secs

haproxy_trusted_networks =

hostname =

log_path = /dev/stderr

mail_access_groups = mail

mail_debug = yes

mail_gid = mail

mail_home = /mail/%d/%n

mail_location = maildir:/mail/%d/%n

mail_plugins = " zlib"

mail_privileged_group = mail

mail_uid = mail

maildir_stat_dirs = yes

namespace inbox {

  inbox = yes

  location =

  mailbox Drafts {

    auto = subscribe

    special_use = \Drafts


  mailbox Junk {

    auto = subscribe

    special_use = \Junk


  mailbox Sent {

    auto = subscribe

    special_use = \Sent


  mailbox Trash {

    auto = subscribe

    special_use = \Trash


  prefix =


passdb {

  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext

  driver = sql


postmaster_address =

protocols = " imap lmtp pop3 submission"

service auth-worker {

  unix_listener auth-worker {

    group = mail

    mode = 0660

    user = $default_internal_user


  user = mail


service auth {

  user = $default_internal_user


service dict {

  unix_listener dict {

    group = mail

    mode = 0660



service imap-login {

  inet_listener imap {

    haproxy = yes

    port = 143


  inet_listener imaps {

    haproxy = yes

    port = 993

    ssl = yes



service lmtp {

  inet_listener lmtp {

    haproxy = no

    port = 24



service pop3-login {

  inet_listener pop3 {

    haproxy = yes

    port = 110


  inet_listener pop3s {

    haproxy = yes

    port = 995

    ssl = yes



service submission-login {

  inet_listener submission {

    haproxy = yes

    port = 587



ssl_cert = </certs/tls.crt

ssl_dh = # hidden, use -P to show it

ssl_key = # hidden, use -P to show it

submission_relay_host = postfix.mail-server

submission_relay_port = 587

submission_relay_ssl_verify = no

userdb {

  driver = prefetch


userdb {

  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext

  driver = sql


verbose_ssl = yes

protocol !indexer-worker {

  mail_vsize_bg_after_count = 100


protocol lda {

  mail_plugins = " zlib"


protocol imap {

  mail_max_userip_connections = 50

  mail_plugins = " zlib"


protocol lmtp {

  mail_plugins = " zlib"

  recipient_delimiter = +


protocol pop3 {

  mail_max_userip_connections = 50

  mail_plugins = " zlib"


On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 3:20 PM William Edwards <>

> > Op 20 jul. 2023 om 14:26 heeft Chris Thomas <>
> het volgende geschreven:
> >
> > 
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm getting a curious problem where if I write a draft without an
> attachment and click save. It'll work without any issue at all.
> >
> > But if I do the same, then attach a file to the email, it'll sit there
> for a couple of minutes before timing out (I'm using thunderbird), it'll
> eventually give you a message saying
> >
> > "Your draft message was not copied to your drafts folder (Drafts) due to
> network or file access errors."
> >
> > I've got all of dovecots verbose logging turned on.
> Cool! So … where is it?
> > I'm using dovecot as a submission server through to the postfix server
> to do the actual sending. All the logging is turned on there too. But I
> can't figure out what the problem is.
> >
> > Is there anything I can look for in the logs that will help me out?
> >
> > chris
> > _______________________________________________
> > dovecot mailing list --
> > To unsubscribe send an email to
dovecot mailing list --
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