On 2023-09-04, Willy Manga wrote:

> When I switch that setting to 'yes', I still got
> "fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms"

give us
ls -l /var/spool/postfix/private/

> Sep 04 07:01:01 smtp2 postfix/relay/smtp[186183]: B61CB5FCFF:
> to=<m...@example.com>, relay=smtp.example.com[]:587, delay=1.3,
> delays=0.22/0.01/1.1/0, dsn=4.4.2, status=deferred (lost connection with
> smtp.example.com[] while performing the EHLO handshake)

Relay between MTA should be on port 25 with no sasl. Port 587 is for
submission with sasl. If you want to stay on 587 you need to setup sasl
on the sender.
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