Already done a first migration using imapsync
Good result, but there is the POP3 UIDs problem.
Searching online give a
Tried to understand the instructions on:

with limited comprension results (the link in the page is to the old wiki).
Searching online give more confusion ...

I am obviouly interested to resync the INBOX with somethig that give to clients the old UIDs so they don't re-download all messages in the inbox as duplicates into their mailbox.

I suppose I can do:

doveadm -v expunge -u <username> mailbox INBOX all
rm dovecot*       in the Maildir folder
doveadm force-resync -u <username> INBOX

then use dsync to migrate the INBOX

Here I need some hints to how setup it and wich syntax use.

If useful I can copy or mount the /var/mail/ folder of the old server that contains the users INBOX to the new server.

Thanks, B.

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