As a journalist, I deal with a lot of PR companies that use constant contact.
For years, I've built up a nice sieve filter that sports these people into my
PR folder.

I guess to help with dkim/SPF issues, Constant Contact has started rewriting
the from header to the sender's address rewritten to end with a ccsend domain.
The sender's actual email address is now in the reply-to header. This has
resulted in all my PR emails ending up in the main inbox.

Rather than rewrite hundreds of rules, I asked (foolishly?) ChatGPT  if there
was a way to check for ccsend in the from and then use the reply-to as the

This is what it came up with and this would be the first rule in the sieve

#Many PR companies use ccsend for lists. Check if headers contain "ccsend" and
#then use reply-to for rules
if allof (header :contains "from" "ccsend") {
    # Set "Reply-To" as "From" address
    set "from" "${reply-to}";

Before I put this into production, will this work? Do the rest of the rules go
inside the last curly bracket or after it?

Thanks for any advice.
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