
I'm having trouble getting site builds to work using Doxia 1.1.1

My environment is (dumped from "mvn --version"):

Apache Maven 2.2.0 (r788681; 2009-06-26 08:04:01-0500)
Java version: 1.5.0_19
Java home: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/ Home
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: MacRoman
OS name: "mac os x" version: "10.5.7" arch: "i386" Family: "unix"

I figured the best way to eliminate any errors on my part would be to try and build something I knew was working elsewhere, so I checked out the Doxia stuff from the source repository and tried to run the site goal on the Doxia Site project. The build failed with the following error:

Internal error in the plugin manager executing goal 'org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-maven-plugin:1.1.1:render-books': Unable to load the mojo 'org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-maven-plugin: 1.1.1:render-books' in the plugin 'org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-maven- plugin'. A required class is missing: hidden/org/codehaus/plexus/ interpolation/ValueSource

Attached is the output from running "mvn -e --debug --fail-fast clean site" on the Doxia Site project.

This is the same error I get when I try to run any site build against Doxia 1.1.1. Am I doing something wrong here, is there a problem with the 1.1.1 release? Any insight into this matter would be greatly appreciated.


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