How are you using doxia (via maven site plugin?) and what version exactly? I believe Doxia 1.1 already handles sections the way you want it.


Ramon Felciano wrote:
Hi --

I'm new to Doxia and am trying to write some APT-based documentation
for a new project. I'd like the resulting documentation to be in XHTML
and to use CSS to configure heading numbering in legal outline format
(1. Section, 1.1 First subsection, 1.2 Second subsection, 1.2.1 A
sub-subsection, etc).

CSS2.1 can handle this if the XHTML document structure matches the
outline. That is, subsections are embedded within sections,
sub-subsections within subsections, etc. The XHTML generated by doxia
places these sections adjacent to each other, rather than embedding

Currently, the generated XHTML looks something like this:

<div class="section">
    <h1>My heading</h1>
    my text
<div class="section">
    <h2>First subsection<h2>
    more text
<div class="section">
    <h2>Second subsection<h2>
    more text

What I'd like is for the two subsections above to be enclosed in the
parent section:

<div class="section">
    <h1>My heading</h1>
    my text
<div class="section">
    <h2>First subsection<h2>
    more text
<div class="section">
    <h2>Second subsection<h2>
    more text

Any suggestions?


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