
using Doxygen already for a couple of years, I happily acknowledge the steadily 
improving Fortran support. Great thanks to Dimitri and all other contributors!

Yet, I find difficult to arrange with the imperative conversion of names to 
lower case. I see the motivation that Fortran is a case insensitive language. 
Hence, the conversion is a reasonable default. However, it is common practice 
even in Fortran projects to use the case for better readability and 
transporting some meta-information. For example, constants could be written in 
upper-case, procedures and types (classes) in camel-case and ordinary variables 
in lower cases. While we enforce these conventions in our style guide, they are 
debilitated by the conversion to all lower-case. 

Given these observations, I wonder if there isn’t a switch which recovers a 
case-sensitive behavior for Fortran, similar to C or C++?
If not, I am curious if the development of such a feature planed for a future 

Best regards,

PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Jörg Stiller
Privatdozent / senior lecturer

Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Strömungsmechanik
01062 Dresden / GERMANY
Tel.: +49 351 463/38328
Fax: +49 351 463/38087
E-Mail:  joerg.stil...@tu-dresden.de <mailto:joerg.stil...@tu-dresden.de>

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