> I put together a Project Gutenberg/Public Domain book (pg) search for
> possible inclusion with DQSD. It might not be too clean, I'm sorta new
> to javascript, but I tried ; ). Enjoy.
> usage: pg <book title> [/author] [{/reader | /dmoz}]
> /author makes it use  <book author> instead of title. Can be used with
> /reader.
> /reader searches through the PG books with pgreader.org
> /dmoz searches through the PG books with the open directory project
> listing and is usually the most reliable but may be outdated.

Thanks Thad.  I'll add this so it will be in the next release.

> As I commented in the source there's another potentially useful PG
> search which appears to hold all formats (PDF, HTML, .pbd, .lit, and
> plaintext) of (possibly) all  texts which is at
> http://ns2.tecriture.com/cgi-bin/ebi_search.cgi?action=search but the
> search form there seems to rely on a broken line of javascript which I'm
> not familiar with and  the search fails in all the browsers I have tried
> (Moz, IE6, Opera, links).

The script that fires when the user clicks the 'Search' button tries to get
a value from  a parent frame, but there aren't any frames.  There probably
used to be, but someone forgot to modify the search form.  Anyway, I created
a search (pg2.xml attached) which returns results.  But, there are still
some problems with it in that you can't download any of the returned

> Also, Wish I could've gotten some background before posting so I'd know
> that I'm doing this right but the archive for this list seems to be
> having trouble.

Yeah, I don't know what's going on with the Geocrawler archive, but the SF
archive seems to be working:

<search function="pg2">
  <name>EBI Project Gutenberg Search</name>
  <description>Project Gutenberg is a free repository of classic texts stored electronically in servers all over the world. It was founded to provide scholars and lay readers alike with instant access to electonic texts through the internet.</description>
  <form method="post" action="http://ns2.tecriture.com/cgi-bin/ebi.cgi"; name="pg2f">
    <input type="hidden" name="author"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="title"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="keyword"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="dates"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="language"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="search"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="line" value="1"/>
    function pg2(q)
      if( nullArgs("pg2", q) )
        return false;

      if (q == "")
        document.pg2f.title.value = q;

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